Webinar Series: 2020-2021

Presents a Webinar

"Macroeconomic Effects of Coronavirus on USA and India"

Presenter: Prof. Kishore G. Kulkarni

Date June 22, 2020 (Monday),

Denver Time 9:00 AM

New York Time 11:00 AM

Indian Time 8:30 PM

About the Presenter Prof. Kishore Kulkarni is a Distinguished Professor of Economics,  at the Metropolitan State University of Denver, Denver, Colorado. He is the Chief Editor, of “International Review of Business and Economics, (www.irbejournal.com)”. His book: “Principles of Macro-Monetary Economics” Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, (2019) is running into sixth edition.  More information about Professor Kulkarni is found at www.kulkarnibooks.com

The webinar is free. The SIAA-members are welcome to invite their friends, and other interested people. However, for our records, each person needs to register. We are basically interested in participation by academics. 

Please submit your Webinar Registration Form (Click here) to receive your webinar login credentials.  Stray tuned for more information! 

In the US, the webinar will be hosted by Professor Rajasekhar Vangapathy, the Secretary of SIAA. Please send  an email to Ravindra Kulkarni, <punekulk@gmail.com>, indicating your interest in this webinar activity