Webinar Series: 2020-2021

Presents a Webinar

"How AI Disrupts the Equilibriums of Power"

Dr. Rajiv Malhotra
(Infinity Foundation, a not for profit organization)

Date: January 17, 2021 (Sunday)

Denver Time: 9:00 AM

New York Time: 11:00 AM

Indian Time: 9:30 PM

Presenter Dr. Rajiv Malhotra : Rajiv Malhotra was trained initially as a Physicist, and then as a Computer Scientist specializing in AI in the 1970s. After a successful corporate career in the US, he became an entrepreneur and founded and ran several IT companies in 20 countries. Since the early 1990s, as the founder of his non-profit Infinity Foundation (Princeton, USA), he has been researching civilizations and their engagement with technology from a historical, social sciences and mind sciences perspective. He has authored several best-selling books. Infinity Foundation has also published a 14-volume series on the History of Indian Science & Technology. 

Abstract: Just like the Industrial Revolution in Britain did two centuries ago, the latest revolution of Artificial Intelligence is shaping a new landscape of power at local, national and global levels. Unfortunately, there is still very little awareness of this among the leaders of civic society in most countries. The book, “Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Power: 5 Battlegrounds“, is a detailed analysis meant for mainstream thought leaders, to equip them to participate in the leading disruption of this decade

The webinar is free. The SIAA-members are welcome to invite their friends, and other interested people. However, for our records, each person needs to register. We are basically interested in participation by academics. 

Please submit your Webinar Registration Form (Click here) to receive your webinar login credentials.  Stay tuned for more information! 

In US, the webinar will be hosted by Professor Rajasekhar Vangapaty, the Secretary of SIAA. Please send  an email to Ravindra Kulkarni, <punekulk@gmail.com>, indicating your interest in this webinar activi