Webinar Series: 2020-2021

Presents a Webinar

"Finance 4.0: Technology, Economy and Politics"

Dr. Narendra Jadhav
Rajyasabha member

Date: August 22, 2021 (Sunday)

Denver Time: 8:30 AM

New York Time: 10:30AM

Indian Time: 8:00 PM

Presenter: Dr. Narendra Jadhav  hold Ph.D. (Economics) from University of Indiana, and has served in many important capacities over the years.  After a long career with Reserve Bank of India (RBI), he served as the Vice Chancellor of SP University of Pune and is now the Rajyasabha member.  He is a prolific writer of many books including the famous biographical book on his father’s life, that is translated into 15 languages.  He is an author of 41 written or edited books and numerous journal articles. 

The webinar is free. The SIAA-members are welcome to invite their friends, and other interested people. However, for our records, each person needs to register. We are basically interested in participation by academics. 

Please submit your Webinar Registration Form (Click here) to receive your webinar login credentials.  Stay tuned for more information! 

In US, the webinar will be hosted by Professor Rajasekhar Vangapaty, Secretary of SIAA. Please send  an email to Ravindra Kulkarni, punekulk@gmail.com, indicating your interest in this webinar activity.

 Click here for Webinar link