Membership Dues

 Membership dues from Jan 1, 2020, Life Membership dues are $250, Checks payable to Treasurer, SIAA.  Please contact  to become member of Society of Indian Academics in America

Membership Benefits

Offering scholarships to deserving students
Organizing correspondence courses in India languages
Organizing lectures and seminars on topics about India
Collaborating with other Asian academic groups to further our common interests
Establishing an Institute of Indian Studies
Instituting courses in Sanskrit and other Indian languages and yoga in the colleges/universities of North America
Publishing a Newsletter
Compiling a directory of Indian academics in North America
Support for job security and professional advancement
Availability of a forum for presenting research results and professional accomplishments
Availability of a periodical for publishing papers, professional information, etc.
Access to reputed publishing companies for printing books and reports
Availability of a nation-wide organization for rightful recognition of outstanding contributions to the advancement of scientific knowledge and social
Availability of a unique organization for establishing scholarships and endowments
Special discounts on travel and lodging (to be negotiated with appropriate Airline companies and Hotel chains)

Membership Form